GFMAM Events and Member Conferences
Upcoming GFMAM events and conferences hosted by GFMAM members are listed below in date order. Each organization has many other events and some of these are accessible globally online. We encourage you to visit our members' websites for more event information. Click on the arrow to expand for each event.
Apr 6-9, 2025: AMPEAK (AMC - Asset Management Council), Gold Coast, Australia
Apr 6-9, 2025: AMPEAK Conference
AMC - Asset Management Council
Gold Coast, Australia
May 14-16, 2025: Congress - Delivering Infrastructure Value (Āpōpō - Infrastructure Asset Management Professionals), Te Pae Ōtautahi Christchurch, New Zealand
May 14-16, 2025: Congress - Delivering Infrastructure Value
Āpōpō - Infrastructure Asset Management Professionals
Te Pae Ōtautahi Christchurch, New Zealand
June 9, 2025: Global Maintenance Day (GFMAM - Global Forum on Maintenance & Asset Management), On-line
June 9, 2025: Global Maintenance Day
GFMAM - Global Forum on Maintenance & Asset Management
June 8-10, 2025: GFMAM F2F Members Meetings (ACIEM - Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros), Cartagena, Colombia
June 8-10, 2025: GFMAM F2F Members Meetings
ACIEM - Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros
Cartagena, Colombia
June 11-12, 2025: SAAMA Conference (SAAMA - Southern African Asset Management Association), Aha Gateway Hotel in uMhlanga, KZN
June 11-12, 2025: SAAMA Conference
SAAMA - Southern African Asset Management Association
Aha Gateway Hotel in uMhlanga, KZN
June 11-13, 2025: 8th World Congress of Maintenance and Asset Management (ACIEM - Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros), Cartagena, Colombia
June 11-13, 2025: 8th World Congress of Maintenance and Asset Management
ACIEM - Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros
Cartagena, Colombia
June 18-19, 2025: The IAM Global Conference (IAM - Institute of Asset Management), London, UK
June 18-19, 2025: The IAM Global Conference
IAM - Institute of Asset Management
London, UK
Aug 23-25, 2025: GFMAM F2F Members Meetings (IPWEA - Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia), Sydney, Australia
Aug 23-25, 2025: GFMAM F2F Members Meetings
IPWEA - Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia
Sydney, Australia
Aug 25-28, 2025: IPWC25 Conference (IPWEA - Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia), Sydney, Australia
Aug 25-28, 2025: IPWC25 Conference
IPWEA - Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia
Sydney, Australia
October 6-9, 2025: SMRP Annual Conference (SMRP - Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals), Fort Worth, Texas, USA
October 6-9, 2025: SMRP Annual Conference
SMRP - Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
October 14-16, 2025: CIFRAMI (IFRAMI - Institut Français d'Asset Management Industriel et Infrastructures), Paris, France
October 14-16, 2025: CIFRAMI (IFRAMI Conference)
IFRAMI - Institut Français d'Asset Management Industriel et Infrastructures
Paris, France
Oct 27-29, 2025: MainTrain Conference (PEMAC - Asset Management Association of Canada), Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Oct 27-29, 2025: MainTrain Conference
PEMAC - Asset Management Association of Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
March 10-11, 2026: EuroMaintenance (EFNMS - European Federation of National Maintenance Societies), Gothenburg, Sweden
March 10-11, 2026: EuroMaintenance
EFNMS - European Federation of National Maintenance Societies
Gothenburg, Sweden
2026: 8th Maintcon International Maintenance, Reliability, and Asset Management Conference (GSMR - Gulf Society for Maintenance & Reliability)
2026: 8th Maintcon International Maintenance, Reliability, and Asset Management Conference
GSMR - Gulf Society for Maintenance & Reliability