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Asset Management Landscape v3.0

Third Edition - NEW!

Available in: English, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin, Croatian, Slovenian, Portuguese, Arabic  Coming Soon in: Spanish

Over the past decades, global standards and principles for managing assets have improved significantly. The Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) acknowledges the benefits of coordinating these advancements, especially for organizations managing assets in multiple countries. To achieve this, GFMAM published the first edition of the GFMAM Asset Management Landscape in 2011, aiming to update it in 2014 with insights from ISO 5500x and to make it more specific. The Second Edition in 2014 made significant progress in applying asset management globally and became a reference for developing asset management knowledge.

The Third Edition, presented here, reflects updates to address modern challenges like climate change, including new subjects like Governance and Value Realization to align asset management with contemporary governance standards and ensure value creation.


Document Cover Indicating 3rd Edition of AM Landscape document in English with  ISBN 978-1-7774676-8-2 on a blue graphic background